Benefits of Membership
Receive a "Digital Diary" showcasing member works & activities
Attend monthly meetings for hands-on activities, show & share opportunities, socializing
Enjoy camaraderie and fun with other like-minded members at our social functions
Attend classes and workshops with qualified instructors
Access an extensive collection of calligraphic journals, books and newsletters
Choose to participate in Secret Pal and Birthday Club Card and other special event exchanges.
Opportunity to contribute to group projects (i.e. cookbooks, perpetual calendars, cards, etc.)
Exhibit opportunities
Members are eligible to apply for a bursary to pursue continued calligraphy education
Members are encouraged to contribute to our digital diary
Annual membership dues are $40 due before October 1st of each year.
All levels welcome - no experience necessary!
How to Become a Member
Find our membership brochure below.
Board Members
Board members for the 2023/2024 year:
Past President
Vice President
New Members
Enrichment Sessions Socials
Katharyn Blades
Marg Larratt
Janice Gerdts
Lenni Graham
Darcy Edinga
and Christina Boychuk
Marg Larratt
Darlene Yarish
Christine Ahmad
Corinne Anderton